Planning and development in South Africa has become increasingly environmentally sensitive and appropriate, guided by legislation that requires the undertaking of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for all new developments and certain activities in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA). This legislation aims to protect our precious natural resources, including endangered and threatened ecosystems, faunal and floral species, wetlands and water resources and valuable agricultural soils. It also aims to ensure development is socially, environmentally and economically sustainable and contributes to a quality of life for all people in South Africa.
The company specialises in independent Environmental Impact Assessments for new developments and activities, as now required by law in terms of NEMA. Together with a team of accredited natural scientific specialists in their various fields, we prepare and submit EIAs in order to obtain approval for such developments to proceed.
We have been responsible for numerous EIA applications and have achieved considerable success in contributing to more environmentally sensitive and appropriate developments in the unique South African landscape.
Services we offer include, amongst others
- Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessments applications
- Basic Assessment applications
- Environmental Authorisation Amendment Applications
- Environmental Management Plans
- Enforcement and Compliance Applications (S24G)
- Environmental Planning and Feasibility Assessments
- Environmental legal advice