Watercourses, specifically within urban areas of South Africa, are becoming increasingly polluted and degraded. Water Resource Management is of critical importance to all catchments within South Africa, and catchment management on even a micro scale is of utmost importance. Projects such as wetland rehabilitation on any watercourse reach will have positive implications for the entire reach and, therefore, a positive impact on water quality within a particular catchment. Every additional increment of rehabilitation has significant importance to South Africa’s water supply and overall water resource management objectives. Seaton Environmental are passionate about Water Resource Management and provide services to achieve these goals.
Services we provide, include amongst others:
- Obtaining the relevant legal rights, approvals and authorisations for a water resource management project
- Compilation of Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS) plans
- Environmental compliance monitoring and practical on-site advice and implementation of actions
- We can assemble a full team of specialists to implement on-site water management projects